Cities in Transition

Silvia González & Alberto Aveleyra

On October 26, 2018, Cities in Transition--the second in a series of monthly discussions on "Reimagining San Miguel de Allende as a Sustainable Community" – took place at El Sindicato Centro Cultural Comunitario. Speakers Alberto Aveleyra and Silvia González introduced key socio-environmental challenges facing San Miguel de Allende as well as developments in the Transition Town initiative underway in Queretaro and the international Transition Towns encuentro to take place in Queretaro in March. Their presentations were followed by discussion groups.

Ideas for Action -- Let Us Hear from You!

Some of the ideas that have been generated in the discussions are listed in the survey below. Please let us know what you think about these and other ideas you may have. And thank you for your responses and suggestions.

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