Education for Life

“The modern revolution in learning… Teaching is no longer seen as imparting and doing things to the student, but is redefined as facilitation of self-directed learning. ...In the old model, the teacher is principally responsible for student learning. In the new model, the primary responsibility rests with the self-directing learner; and only secondarily with the facilitator.” –  from The Complete Facilitator's Handbook

Agile Learning Centers
C.A.S.A. Latina
C.A.S.A. Mexico
CEDESA - El Centro de Desarrollo Agropecuario
Cidici-Unitierra Chiapas
Community Tool Box
Comunidad de Aprendizaje Autodirigido CAAD
Cooperative New School for Urban Studies & Environmental Justice
Creando Futuro
dialogos comunitarios
El Cambalache
El Charco del Ingenio
El Sindicato. Centro Cultural Comunitario
Estación BuenVivir
Fundación de Apoyo Infantil
Fundación Hogar del Empleado - educación + ecosocial
Global Campaign for Education
Global Tapestry of Alternatives
Global University for Sustainability
Grassroots Economic Organizing
Mexican Center on Environmental Law
New Comienzos
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning
Ojala Niños
Otros Mundos
Red de Educación y Economía Social y Solidaria
Rotary Midday
The Center for Global Justice
The Green School Bali
The Next System Project
Tikkun Eco Center
Transition Network
Unitierra - Oaxaca
Universidad del Medio Ambiente
University for International Cooperation
Via Organica
World Learning


Angélica Enciso

May 22, 2023

[Translation] In the GM corn dispute with the United States, the Mexican cause is supported by science and will be able to achieve the goal of banning this product if the decision is "fair," says Steven Druker, director... Read more

Cristopher Rogel Blanquet won the "Long Term Projects" award from the World Press Photo organization for documenting the evils that agrochemicals have done to the population of Villa Guerrero, State of Mexico. Photo: Facebook/Cristopher Rogel Blanquet. World Press Photo is a non-profit organization that is responsible for conducting the largest journalistic photography competition globally.

Uriel Monterrubio

April 9, 2023

[Translation] Photographer Cristopher Rogel narrated through his camera the evils that agrochemicals have caused in the people of Villa Guerrero.

There are a total of nine... Read more

Eugenio Fernández Vázquez

April 4, 2023

[Translation] The initiative still needs to be effectively approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. That battle will not be easy, as mining interests have enormous resources and many allies.... Read more

January 19, 2023




[Translation] From the Sierra Norte de Puebla the Union of Ejidos and... Read more