The Environmental Agenda

News - Water

Roberto Robles

December 26, 2022

San Miguel de Allende hosted a theoretical and practical workshop on the development of green infrastructure and rain gardens as an example of a nature-based solution. The event was convened by several local and national...

Women and men from the rural community of Sachac, at more than 3500 meters above sea level, build a kilometer-long infiltration ditch to capture rainwater and use it to irrigate crops in Cuzco, in Peru’s Andes highlands. CREDIT: Janet Nina/IPS

Mariela Jara

December 22, 2021

“When I was a little girl we didn’t suffer from water shortages like we do now. Today we are experiencing more droughts, our water sources are drying up and we cannot sit idly by,” Kely Quispe, a small farmer from the...

Transnational Corporations and Free Trade in Mexico
Caravan on the Social and Environmental Impacts

October 11, 2021

This report presents the main results of the “Caravan on the social and environmental impacts of transnational corporations and free trade in Mexico” (#ToxiTourMexico), which took place in December 2019 with the...

August 18, 2021

[Translation]  A draft of the revised General Water Law was presented yesterday by members of the Senate Water Resources Commission, the Morena parliamentary group on the Environment, the PT fraction in the Chamber of...

Once the degraded land has made the first timid steps toward recuperation, it is planted with agave, one of the few plants that will flourish in such barren soil — and the plant will begin to replenish its fertility. Image courtesy of Alejandro Vasconcelos.

Sue Branford

August 11, 2021
  • Land degradation is impacting farmlands worldwide, affecting almost 40% of the world’s population. Reversing that process and restoring these croplands and pastures to full productivity is a huge challenge facing...

Plastic bottles and bottle caps are among the most frequent items found along Mediterranean shores. Credit: Eleonora de Sabata / Clean Sea LIFE

Guy Dinmore

July 1, 2021

St David’s, Wales, Jul 1 2021 (IPS) - Documented images of albatross chicks and marine turtles dying slow deaths from eating plastic bags and other waste are being seared into our consciences. And yet our mass pollution...

Alison Kentish

April 29, 2021

UNITED NATIONS - As the United Nations prepares for its solutions-based Global Food Systems Summit in September, officials say resolving issues around water scarcity, pollution and wastage is crucial transforming food...

Emilio Godoy

April 5, 2021

MEXICO CITY, Apr 5 2021 (IPS) - In neighbourhoods like Tehuixtitla in southern Mexico City, rain brings joy, because it provides water for showering, washing dishes and clothes, and cooking, by means of rainwater...