Public Consultation Forum: Thursday September 20 at 10 am


Each new public administration in San Miguel de Allende implements a Municipal Program for Urban Development and Territorial Ecological Planning. This plan describes the mechanisms with which the main issues regarding urban and rural development, such as Water, Agriculture, Energy, Tourism, etc., will be addressed. The presentation of this plan will take place this Thursday, September 20th at 10am in the old presidential building in front of the Jardin Principal. This presentation is open to the public, and your participation is encouraged.

At the same time, the municipal government enabled an internet site to be able to know the opinion of the population regarding this municipal program of urban development. The citizens of San Miguel de Allende will be able to inform themselves about this plan, and enter their comments through the link below:

In the following months, we will be analyzing this plan in detail, in order to the knowledge and participation of the population regarding these critical issues.